Why is it that avoiding BLTs (bending, lifting, and twisting) is so important after spine surgery? What can you do to prepare your body for that surgery? Join all three Spine Center directors - Roger Hartl, Neel Mehta, and Ricky Singh - for the last Spine Time of 2023.

A pandemic-inspired series from the experts of the WCM Center for Comprehensive Spine Care, Spine Time explored a new and interesting topic on scheduled Wednesdays at 5 pm. With in-person appointments and events back now, we will suspend Spine Time after this episode. We'll be back for occasional episodes as we can, but this is the final regularly scheduled Spine Time.

Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of any upcoming spine events: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/Eal5jGm/spine 

Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Carolina Ganan
  • Maximilian Korsun

2 people are interested in this event