Sunday, January 19, 2025 9am to 12pm
About this Event
Competency-Based Training for Mentors
A highly interactive full-day workshop designed for mentors who want to learn strategies to strengthen mentor-mentee relationships
Thursday, January 18th from 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Mentoring Maladies: Recognizing and Overcoming Challenges in Mentoring
A highly interactive workshop designed for mentors and mentees at all professional levels
Friday, January 19th from 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Featured Presenters:
Kim Mansky, PhD
Professor, University of Minnesota
Co-Director of Mentoring
University of Minnesota Clinical and Translational Science Center
Anne Marie Weber-Main, PhD
Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota
Co-Director of Mentoring
University of Minnesota Clinical and Translational Science Center