Thursday, December 2, 2021 11am to 12:30pm
About this Event
Learn about MyCAP, REDCap smartphone data collection app:
MyCAP is an extension to REDCap that lets researchers capture patient reported outcomes through surveys and active tasks (measurement taken using the smartphone onboard sensors) using participant’s phone or tablet.
Architecture for Research Computing in Health (ARCH) matches investigators with tools and services to obtain electronic patient data to recruit patients, conduct chart reviews, apply for grants, and test hypotheses. ARCH tools and services include:
· REDCap/SUPER REDCap – Collect novel measures from participants, annotate existing data from Epic/Allscripts, export data directly to SAS or R, and populate case report forms with data pulled directly from EHR systems
· i2b2 – Obtain patient counts directly from the EHR, answering questions like “How many patients had a colonoscopy in 2015?” or “How many patients with diabetes have also had an amputation?”
· EHR reporting – Get detailed, patient-level data on a one-time or recurring basis from Epic/Allscripts
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